Thursday, March 27, 2014

Summer Express Courses – Detailed

The Summer Express Courses all in detail

 This shows the details of various summer programs maxaim offers to the learning cummunity

This course fulfills the need of the basic programmer to learn the programming principles and techniques as simple as learning story reading.

This Course is designed for the school going junior students to cater their knowledge in making out the academic works themselves

Very good opportunity to learn the customized object oriented programming with simple case studies and exercises

This course targets the junior students (under 10th) to fulfill their need in managing the digital documents of their own

Introducing the brand new Tally 9.0 for the accounting community to learn as easy as to work for their work environments.

This course is targeting the senior students (above 10th) and the entry level computer learners to learn from the scratch

The ultra simple visual programming for those in need of developing windows application for simple enterprises.

This course targets the senior students (above 12th) or the professional learners of computer basics and document managing with internet services and application expertness.

A golden opportunity to learn the high end Java programming from the Masters of Java as a premium crash course.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

How to Recover an Unsaved Document

If you deleted a document before saving it, it is not like a file with a name that can be found in your Recycle Bin. If there is data that can be recovered from your accidentally deleted file it would be found in the form of temp files.
The only way you can recover a document that has not been saved is if there was a temporary file created when you were working on the file and if that temp file is still available.
Whatever you do, do not reboot your computer. An unsaved document may still have temporary files associated with it if you have not written over the data in that temp file. You may lose those temp files forever if you reboot your computer.
Recovering an unsaved document is not guaranteed but your best bet is to avoid any file recovery program that must be installed in order to work. If you must install a program before it allows you to search for your lost files, the act of installing the program may actually write over the data you are trying to recover. This can happen whether you are trying to recover saved files or unsaved files.